Wheelchair Accommodating RV

Wheelchair Accommodating RV

8 Passanger RV

8 Passanger RV

8 Passanger RV

8 Passanger RV

8 Passanger RV

How the accommodating RV works for a guest in a wheelchair.
The RVs use an RFID puck system that each boat will reads and allows for it to understand where it is in the building at all times. The boats’ movements will not be 100% precise with this ride system. That’s why there are tread marks on the floor of the ride path as that is where the RVs will self correct themselves. These pucks respond to the vehicle by relaying relative position data that it can then use this is an LPS - local positioning system
The RVs have a restraint system and audio system. To power each RV there is a rapid charging battery system. Every time the RVs are parked at load and unload they are always positioned in the same way each time during boarding they are positioned this way bc underneath each RV is a charging pad they have aligned with to charge